The course
Why do you feel uncomfortable when it comes to boundaries in s*x?
The "Did I say YES?" course - for those who want to learn how to communicate better in intimate relationships and set healthy boundaries.
Alice & Niomi
One of the major pluses of the course is its focus on consent. In the world of s*xual interactions, consent plays a crucial role. However, many people don't know how to say yes and no in intimate situations.

The "Did I say YES?" course helps people learn to recognise, express and respect their partners' boundaries. Another great aspect of the course is its detailed treatment of communication in s*xual relationships.

A lots of people feel uncomfortable talking about their s*xual desires and preferences. The course helps students learn how to talk about what they like and don't like, and to do so in a respectful and gentle way.
The course focuses on different aspects of s*xual orientation and identity. This helps students to understand their s*xual preferences and learn how to talk about them to their partners.

One disadvantage of the course may be its focus on beginners in the field of s*xual communication. If you already have experience in this area, some of the lessons may seem like a repetition of things you know.

However, even if you already have a certain level of experience, the course "Did I say YES?" may still prove useful in strengthening your skills and confidence in communicating with partners.
Harry & Michelle
Another useful topic in the course was learning about different ways of expressing consent and security.

We learned how to use verbal and non-verbal methods of communication in an intimate relationship to be confident in each others boundaries and respecting our boundaries.
We really appreciated that the course helped us expand our knowledge of intimacy and s*xual practices.

As a woman, Michelle often had to feel insecure about her knowledge of what happens during s*x and this course gave her the opportunity to explore new aspects of s*xual culture and become more aware of this area.
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