The course
How I stopped being shy about my desires
The course "Where is my pleasure?" — is probably one of the most useful and practical courses on sexuality available today. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their sex life and learn how to enjoy sex.
Agustina Orsi
I finished hermaster’s in clinical sexology and couples at ISEP Barcelona. Created an online seminar in Argentina by SASH.
may 11, 2023
7 minutes
Why is our course so good?
What aspects is the course focused on?
of the course is its simplicity and accessibility. The authors of the course present the material in a clear and easily digestible way, without excessive scientific terminology.
One of the main advantages
They explain all the important aspects of sexuality, from anatomy and physiology to the psychological and emotional aspects of sex. They also provide plenty of practical tips and exercises to help you develop your skills in sex.
In addition, "Where is my pleasure?" is highly personalised. The authors of the course understand that everyone is different, and that everyone needs a personalised approach. That is why they provide many options and opportunities to customise the course to your needs. You can choose the exercises and techniques that suit you and your partner best, and create your own individual development plan for sex.
of the course is its focus on pleasure. The authors of the course state that sex should be pleasurable and satisfying for all involved, and that pleasure should come first.
One of the main emphases
They teach you how to get more pleasure from sex, how to satisfy your partner, and how to create an emotional connection with your partner.
The course "Where is my pleasure?" - is not just a set of exercises and techniques. It is an integral approach to sexuality that helps you to develop your self-esteem, self-understanding and confidence. It helps you understand that sex is not just a physical act, but an emotional and spiritual experience that can bring you deep satisfaction.
The course provides support and assistance in various aspects related to sexuality and offers additional materials and resources for further exploration. These resources include video tutorials, advice and guidance from experienced sexologists and clinicians, as well as webinars and forums where you can connect with other course participants and get support and advice.
Who is this course suitable for?
about this course is that it is suitable for everyone. No matter how much experience you have with sexuality and relationships, the course offers material to help you learn something new or improve your skills.
One of the things I appreciate
I found a lot of useful tips and advice that I was able to apply to my own life and relationships. The course is very practical and applicable. It not only provides knowledge, but also shows how to use that knowledge in practice. I found many practical exercises and techniques that I could apply to my own relationships and that really work. The course also teaches not only about orgasms and techniques, but also about how to build a healthy and respectful relationship, which is very important.
If I don't have a lot of free time?
is its accessibility and ease of use. You can use the course anytime and anywhere, depending on your schedule and mood. The materials are easily accessible and understandable, and you can study at your own pace.
Another plus of the course
This is very convenient for those who have limited time or budget to attend courses or consultations in real time. Overall, I am very happy with this course and recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about their sexuality and improve their relationships.
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If I don't have a lot of free time?
is its accessibility and ease of use. You can use the course anytime and anywhere, depending on your schedule and mood. The materials are easily accessible and understandable, and you can study at your own pace.
Another plus of the course
This is very convenient for those who have limited time or budget to attend courses or consultations in real time. Overall, I am very happy with this course and recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about their sexuality and improve their relationships.
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